
INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste

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Abstract Reference: 31344
Identifier: P4.2
Presentation: Poster presentation
Key Theme: 4 Long-term Management of Data Archives

Building an interoperable distributed storage and authorization system

Sara Bertocco, Brian Major, Patrick Dowler, Séverin Gaudet, Marco Molinaro, Giuliano Taffoni

A joint project between the Canadian Advanced Network for Astronomical Research (CANFAR) and the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (OATs), partially funded by the EGI-Engage H2020 European Project, is working to deploy an integrated infrastructure, based on International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) standards, to access and exploit astronomical data.
CANFAR provides scientists with an access, storage and computation facility, based on software libraries implementing a set of standards developed by the IVOA. The deployment of a twin infrastructure, basically built on the same open source software libraries, available at, has been started at OATs-INAF. At present, this infrastructure provides users with an Access Control Service and a Storage Service based on the VOSpace 2.1 IVOA standard.
The implementation of the IVOA standard ensures the interoperability of the whole geographically distributed storage service. The Access Control Service is based on the Group Management Service developed at CANFAR and open source available. In the scope of the collaboration, the CANFAR software has been modified to allow integrated user authentication, i.e. users of one of the infrastructures can use resources located either at CANFAR or at OATs-INAF with a single-sign-on access point.
The Storage Service is based on the open source implementation, provided by CANFAR, of the IVOA 2.1 VOSpace standard plus an open source data transfer management service developed at OATs-INAF in the scope of the collaboration. This poster focuses on the technical choices and the implemented solutions.