Fernique Pierre

- Position:
- CDS - Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
- Address
- France
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- Miscellaneous Information
Abstract Reference: 30293
Identifier: O3.2
Presentation: Oral communication
Key Theme: 4 Long-term Management of Data Archives
Long-term management of 1000s of All-Sky reference data sets using the HiPS networkAuthors:
Fernique Pierre, Thomas Boch, Oberto Anais, Allen Mark, Durand Daniel, Ebisawa Ken, Bruno Merin,Over the past few years the Hierarchical Progressive Surveys (HiPS) system has become a key method for the browsing and distributing all-sky survey data. As of today, HiPS data occupy about 100 TB of data, and this volume is expected to double in size every year as the production of a dozen of HiPS providers including ESAC, JAXA, CADC and CDS grows. HiPS tiles are used by thousands of users every day through various HiPS compatible clients: Aladin, MIZAR, Aladin Lite, and Aladin-Lite based ESASky and JUDO2. In this extremelly fast growing context, we will discuss why the HiPS network has excellent capabilities for long term management of all-sky data. We will also highlight how the intrinsic HiPS architecture based on the well known HEALPix tessellation, a simple tile structure, and implemented using a simple distribution method based only on a basic HTTP server, and being standardised by IVOA, constitutes an extremely robust foundation for a system that will support all-sky data discovery and distribution for the next decade.